Change Your Game With These Two Simple Upper Body Exercises

How many of you recollect the time after a gruesome fitness session where you just thought that we are done for the day and then your coach/ trainer walks upto you and commands you do wrap up for today after three or five sets of push-ups and crunches.

For many of us, this has become a routine to always finish your sessions with these exercises. If not then make sure you make a point to do atleast 3 sets of both these exercises with around 20 push-ups and 50 sit ups in one set.

The major muscles which we work on majority of fitness sessions are the legs. Although, we also target our upper body, but these two exercises can be done daily as they not only contribute to our overall fitness levels but also prevents injury.

Lets deep dive into the technique of both the exercises -

Push ups

  • Start in a high plank position. Place hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Ground toes into the floor to stabilize your lower half. Brace core (tighten abs as if preparing to take a punch), engage glutes and hamstrings, and flatten your back so your entire body is neutral and straight.

  • Begin to lower your body—keeping back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you to maintain a neutral neck—until chest grazes floor. Don’t let your butt dip or stick out at any point during the move; your body should remain in a straight line from head to toe. Draw shoulder blades back and down, keeping elbows tucked close to your body (don't "T" your arms).

  • Keeping core engaged, exhale as you push back to starting position

Sit Ups

  • Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something that will not move or by having a partner hold them. Your legs should be bent at the knees.
  • Place your hands behind your head and lock them together by clasping your fingers. This is the starting position.
  • Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Breathe out when performing this part of the exercise.
  • Once you feel the contraction for a second, lower your upper body back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

A Superset That Can Do Wonders For You –

  • Push Ups -25 Repetition
  • Sit Ups – 50 Repetition
  • Rest – 1:00 Minute between sets

Do a minimum of 3 sets and a maximum of 5 sets daily to see the difference

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